We just wanted to say “Thank you” to our great guide Brian and the Staff at the Kremmling outpost for a great trip on the Upper Colorado on July 17th. We had so much fun. We made a little video of the trip and thought you might like to see it.
Also, we wanted to say thank you for sending our son’s hat back to him. It fell off when he jumped into the river, and was recovered by someone else in our party, but we left it in the van on accident on our way back to Kremmling. We called and it was found, and returned to us in a matter of days. He was so excited when he opened the package! He said “Yay! My hat! And look Momma, it’s not even wet anymore!”
Thanks again for such a great experience. We will certainly raft again with you!
Craig, Stacey, Kaylee and especially, Gavin