Top Reasons To Go Rafting in May

There are numerous reasons to go rafting in the early summer. These early season rafting trips have great benefits to booking your trip in May. From low prices to high water, here are some top reasons to go rafting in May.

Open Rivers

The best part of rafting in the early summer season is the large availability of spots on trips and an open river with less rafts on the water. All rafting companies are going toIMG_0030 have open availability for almost any river trip as most people plan a summer vacation in the popular months like June and July. The river will have significantly less boats on the river than the high season months.

High Flows

One of the most important factors in whitewater rafting is CFS (cubic feet per second). This is the speed at which the water in the river is flowing and many Colorado rivers have their best water and highest CFS in May. This means excellent whitewater! Many rivers in Colorado depend on snow melt to feed their rivers and that means early summer heat will bring the best early summer rafting!



Early Season Trip Discounts

Another great reason to go rafting in May is that many trips are offered at a discounted rate. AVA will be offering many deep discounts on May trips on Clear Creek, Arkansas River, and the Upper Colorado River. Click here for more information on current discounts from AVA.

These are just a few of the many great incentives for taking an early season rafting trip with AVA. For more information on our rivers, flows, and discounts please call our sales and reservations office at 877-RAFTING or click here.